Kids Heart Real Food has a new home! I have moved the blog to my business website so that I am no longer managing two separate sites.  The content will still be the same – I will continue to write about how to cultivate our kids’ relationship with REAL food despite our increasingly processed world.  I will also be providing readers with a lot more content, including programs to help make healthy eating fun and easy for the whole family.

Thanks for your support so far, and I hope you will continue to read along as I take this whole “healthy kids” thing to the next level!

Click HERE to be re-directed to the new location of Kids Heart Real Food

15 Creative Ways to Expose a Child to a New Food


When a child is learning to eat, everything is new.  Each food is a new experience – with so many different flavours and textures.  It can all be a little overwhelming for babies, especially after eating the exact same thing every day for six months.

Which is exactly why moms and dads will see a few scrunched up noses during the process of introducing solids and many babies simply spit the food right back out at them.

It’s easy to decide after a few attempts that “my baby just doesn’t like broccoli (or carrots or avocado)”.  It’s also easy to get frustrated after spending all that time lovingly preparing homemade baby food to then have to throw it in the garbage because your baby won’t eat it.  For parents of toddlers, the stress of having a child refuse a food over and over again can result in deciding to only serve foods that the child readily accepts.

Yes, the easy route is to simply serve only things that you know your kids will eat.  It may mean cooking a separate meal for them, but for some parents this is preferable to the power struggle of trying to convince their kids to eat vegetables.

Parents, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way!  Remember, our focus as parents should be on raising competent eaters who have a healthy relationship with food.  By giving up on a whole bunch of foods when are kids are young, we are setting them up to have a pretty limited palate as they grow older.

You may have heard this before, but I really want to you let it soak in:

It can take a child up to 15-20 exposures to a food before they will accept it.

The key here is the word exposure.  Exposure does not mean putting steamed broccoli on their plate 20 times and hoping at some point they will just gobble it up. Exposure does not mean forcing them to eat it, hoping at some point they won’t gag.  Exposure means exposing them to the flavour of broccoli up to 20 times, with the goal of having them accept it as “normal” when served again in the future.  The goal here is not for them to LOVE broccoli, it’s for them not to spit it out or throw it across the room when it is served to them.  They may not beg for it at every meal, but when kids see a food/flavour as “normal” they are more likely to continue to try it and in most cases will learn to really like it as they grow older.

So, when it come to exposure, here is the advice I give to parents.   You want to continually integrate the food into meals, without always making it the centre of attention.  You need to train their tastebuds to accept it and you want them to have a positive association with the food/flavour, which can often be accomplished by pairing it with other foods that they already accept.  In short, you need to change it up and get creative!

So because it can take up to 15 exposures before a child will accept a food, I’m giving you 15 creative ways to do this:

#1 – Flavour layering

I talked about this concept in this post, but basically it means enhancing the flavour of the food by pairing it with another complimentary food (but not masking it completely).  This works especially well when a baby is eating purees, but for a toddler, this could mean adding sweet potatoes and curry powder to hummus, or serving broccoli with a creamy sauce.

#2 – Pair it with their favourite food

It may end up being a weird combination, but it’s worth a try.  Does your child love apples but won’t touch broccoli?  A salad with apples and broccoli would be a good way to pair the two together and give them some exposure to the unattractive food.

#3 – Incorporate it into their favourite meal

Simply find a way to add the food to your child’s favourite dish.  Tyson’s favourite meals hands down are pasta and oatmeal.  I could put any fruit in oatmeal and he would eat.  I could put any vegetable in pasta and he would eat it.  By incorporating the food into a meal they already love, they may start to see it in a more positive light (or eat a few bites of it as they shovel in the rest of the meal).

#4 – Try different varieties of the same food

This works best for vegetables and fruits because there are often different varieties available.  If your child is turning their nose up at regular orange carrots, try purple or yellow ones.  Or red plums versus purple plums. The same idea would work for something like quinoa – there is the regular white variety, but also red and black.

#5 – Serve it for breakfast

It sounds strange, but serving the food in a different context can make a huge difference.  In my workshops, I advise parents to “ditch the idea of breakfast foods”.  There is no need to limit breakfast to oatmeal and eggs as this really restricts our ability to expose kids to a variety of real food.  Although, you can make an omelette with just about any vegetable in it.

#6 – Serve it for a snack

The same advice as above holds true for snacks.  Snacks should be “mini-meals” so a serving of chicken and broccoli should be just as common at snack time as yogurt and fruit.  Also, just about anything can be dipped into a hummus, bean or avocado dip.  Just saying!

#7 – It’s all about how you cut it

Sometimes texture/size can play a huge role in a child’s willingness to accept a food.  Diced zucchini may not go over well, but shred or spiralize it and they just may try it.

I haven’t talked much about the spiralizer yet, but I plan to talk more about it soon.  It’s pretty awesome and Tyson will eat anything once it is cut this way as makes any vegetable look like noodles.

I’m also a huge fan of shredding vegetables in my food processor (most food processors come with a shredding attachment).  You can use shredded vegetables to make vegetable fritters, add them to salads, in pasta, on top of pizza or even just serve them on their own.

Sometimes just cutting food into smaller pieces can be helpful so that kids don’t feel so overwhelmed by one bite.

#8 – It’s all about how you cook it

This is where the most variety and creativity comes in.  Don’t serve the food the same way each time – change it up!  Find a bunch of different recipes that include the food and make a different one each week.  Roast it, fry, steam it, grill it – try it all.  Serve topped with different sauces or all on it’s own.  Eventually your child will like one of these recipes and once they like it one way, they will be open to trying it again in a different recipe.

#9 – Or don’t cook it

Sometimes raw is better than cooked (or just a nice change of pace).  Tyson does not like cooked zucchini but will eat it served raw in any form.  I’m confident that if he continues to eat it raw, the cooked will come eventually.

#10 – Put it on a sandwich

This is pretty self-explanatory but who doesn’t love a good sandwich?  And really, I think anything can go on a sandwich as long as you combine it with the right things.  Check out this list from Chatelaine if you are looking for some sandwich inspiration.

#11 – Put it in a soup

Again, pretty self-explanatory but soups are a great way to slip in any sort of food from vegetables, to grains and proteins.  Pureeing the soup is a nice way to change the texture of the food.  And soups are an excellent vehicle for layering foods with other complementary flavours (see flavour layering above).

#12 – Juices and smoothies

This is easiest with fruits and vegetables but certain proteins and grains are also great smoothie additions.  Most kids will drink a smoothie as long as there is enough fruit in it, so let them see you add the food they aren’t accepting (kale, for instance) to a really yummy smoothie.  Even if they aren’t tasting the kale (which they probably won’t), it’s the perfect opportunity to help form a positive association with the food.  And as you know, I’m a big fan of juices and smoothies because the are a great way to get all sorts of nutrients into kids.

 #13 – Make it fun

If you follow me on Facebook, you have probably seen some of the fun food ideas that I’ve posted like these hard boiled egg chickens or this teddy bear toast.   Don’t get the wrong idea here – I am not at all artistic, nor am I a healthified Martha Stewart.  I’m just a big believer in making mealtime a fun and positive experience, and this means getting silly and creative with food once in a while (I certainly do not have the time to do this every day).  Now, keep in mind that the idea is not to convince your child to eat the food.  Instead, by having fun with the food, you are again strengthening that positive association.  Something as simple as a cookie cutter can really make a difference.

#14 – Put it in a dessert

Obviously this may not be possible to do with every food without making something totally gross, but certain vegetables and other savoury foods can make a great addition to a dessert.  For example, avocado chocolate pudding, beet brownies and zucchini bread.  Of course a child is much more likely to accept the food in this form, and that is a great start.

#15 – Go back to the recipe they liked the best and try it again

Have you tried all of these techniques and they still won’t accept the food?  Don’t give up and keep on introducing it.

Obviously you don’t want to be exposing your child to the food every single day – variety is still key so instead  incorporate them over a number of months so that the food becomes a regular part of the rotation.

Two things I want to emphasize:

Firstly, in no way do I encourage “hiding” the food as part of these suggestions.  We want the kids to have a positive association with the food.  If they think you are trying to sneak it in or trick them into eating it, not only will it strengthen their resolve that this is a a food to be avoided (why else would you be sneaking it in?), but it also means that they won’t trust you (or your meals) in the future.

Secondly, they key to developing food competence in general is no pressure.  Your child should not be aware that you are “trying to get them to like broccoli”.  You simply continue to serve the food in a variety of different forms, and give them the freedom to decide whether or not they are going to try it.  I promise you, the more they see it, the more they will associate it as being “normal” and non-threatening (especially if paired with foods they already like and/or are familiar with).  Eventually they will try it and at some point, they may even like it.

Are these strategies going to ease the frustration of cooking food that kids won’t eat?  Probably not.  They still may not eat it but think of it this way – now  you will have leftovers for your lunch the next day!  What these strategies will do is ease the pressure around mealtimes and the struggle that can result when trying to force a child to eat something.  Just have fun with it – you may come across some fun and interesting recipes in the process.



Join the 21-Day Smoothie Challenge!

Holistic in the City challenges you to drink a smoothie every day for 21 days! Each day of the challenge, we will be making one smoothie from our 21 Day Smoothie Guide, and sharing our experience with all of you by posting photos on Facebook, tweeting and chatting about all the smoothie goodness. We want you to join us!​​

It’s super easy to participate; all you need is a blender, yummy ingredients and 10 minutes every day. During the challenge you can still eat all of your regular meals so if you miss a day that is ok, no one is perfect!

It takes 21 days to create healthy habits, so by the end of the challenge we hope you are hooked on smoothies and feeling amazing.

21 Day Smoothie Challenge Promo Image copy

Win Fabulous Prizes

The grand prize of the Holistic in the City 21 Day Smoothie challenge is feeling amazing, but we do have some other prizes to give away as well. Whenever you make a delicious smoothie during the 21 day smoothie challenge, take a picture and share it on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #21DaySmoothieChallenge and #21DaysofSmoothies. Every time you use the hashtags you will be entered to win one of our fabulous prizes below.




Strawesome Strawesome is a family-owned and operated green company with a commitment to health and the environment. They offer fun, safe, and reusable glass drinking straws that make it easy to go green! We love strawesome straws! You can win a mixed set of two 8″ See-Thru Smoothie Straws and two 8″ See-Thru Straws!  Only Canadian and US residents eligible for this prize.



Cookin' Greens


Cookin’ Greens™ Cookin’ Greens™ are dark-leafy greens that are farm picked and within six hours, double-washed, double blanched, chopped and quick-frozen for your convenience, locking in all of their flavour and nutritional benefits. The result is vibrant and textured thanks to the innovative IQF (individually quick frozen) process, improving upon the traditional, “frozen block” format of the past in favour of shredded, confetti-like glorious greens. Eating well can be a pleasure and we want to share that with you. Cookin’ Greens™ finally makes it a breeze to include dark-leafy greens into your diet – perfect for fresh meal time options – whether as a side-dish or as part of a main.  You can win a one-year supply (12 bags) of Cookin’ Greens to use in your green smoothies.  Only Canadian residents eligible for this prize.

Need some inspiration?  FREE Smoothie Plan and Grocery List!

To make it as easy as possible for you to succeed in our 21 Day Smoothie Challenge, we have created 3 weeks’ worth of ​smoothie meal plans and grocery lists to help guide you​, based on The Holistic In The City 21 Day Smoothie Guide.  ​ Click on the images below to download the meal plan and grocery list for Week 1:  

21 Day Smoothie Challenge Week 1 Grocery List21 Day Smoothie Challenge Week 1











To register for the challenge and to receive the smoothie recipes for Week 1 for FREE, simply sign up here.

FREE Mini eBook Cover copy

Ready to 100% commit to the 21 Day Smoothie Challenge?

When you buy The Holistic In The City 21 Day Smoothie Guide you are automatically registered in the challenge and ​you get​:

  • ​ALL of the recipes ​that we will be using in the 21 Day Smoothie Challenge
  • ​Smoothie meal plans and grocery lists for w​eek 2 and 3 of the 21 Day Smoothie Challenge
  • ​Lifetime access to ​the Holistic In The City​ Facebook Group. ​

​The Holistic In The City Facebook Group is a supportive community where you can​ share your experiences in the challenge and receive encouragement from fellow group members, and where you can​ ask ​questions about the challenge and all areas of healthy living​​.

All this for only $4.99. Its less than the price of a latte and your body will thank you!

Click here to purchase!


Full eBook Cover copy

Happy Sipping!

Real Mom Spotlight: Caitlin Sanderson-Prudham

Real Mom Spotlight is an opportunity for me to introduce some of my fabulous readers.   These are moms who believe in feeding their kids Real Food – which is why they read my blog – but who are also living busy lives (balancing mommy-hood  work, relationships etc), which can often get in the way of this goal.  In other words, these are Real Moms.  I thought it would be great to get some insight and advice on how other moms are finding ways to incorporate Real Food into real life.  Here are their stories.

In today’s Real Mom Spotlight, I have the pleasure of introducing a good friend of mine.  Caitlin came into my life through her husband, a long-time friend, and we really connected.  We both had babies within the same year so of course we bonded further over playdates and discussions about sleeping (or lack thereof) and the intricacies of baby poop.  Caitlin has been a big supporter of mine and has been a reader of the blog from day 1 and I know this is because she is so passionate about raising her daughter Chloe to love and appreciate Real Food.  She really believes in leading by example and has even influenced her husband to start eating healthier (apparently he loves my overnight kale salad).  Over to you Caitlin!


Tell us a little bit about yourself and your kids?

I am a 29-year-old (for life) wife and mother of one amazing little girl, aged 16 months. Currently I’m working part-time in the geriatric recreation field, which can be difficult to balance with a very busy and inquisitive little person (how do people have more than two kids!?) We live in a wonderful new neighbourhood close to parks, swimming, trails and wildlife.

We love the outdoors, when the weather isn’t SO cold. She’s at a fun age right now and really keeps me on my toes.
Most days are spent playing with little friends, running errands and mommy – daughter dance parties! (her favourite)

What is your favourite food and why?

Hmmmmmmmm favourite food??? I can’t possibly choose! I do eat a lot of plain Greek yogurt. Its great for breakfast or a snack. I mix it with granola or fruit and its a awesome base for dips. Not to mention a good source of protein, since we don’t eat a lot of meat. Chloe isn’t so keen on it yet but I haven’t given up hope that one day she will love it like I do.

Why is it important to you to feed your family as much Real Food as possible?

I’m trying to keep my family as healthy as possible and the food they put into their bodies plays a major role. The biggest contributing factor to our real food philosophy is Chloe. We decided a long time ago that we wanted to provide her with as much real food as possible. Somewhere along the way we realized that the benefits that real food provides would also have a positive impact on our lives as well.

What challenges do you face in this mission?

Time is my biggest challenge by far. Sometimes I just want to fill my freezer with grocery store dinners and be done with it and to be honest we do have one or two last resort processed dinners lingering in the garage freezer but that is a huge improvement from two years ago, when we probably would have relied on them regularly. I’ve learned the freezer is my friend and perfect for non processed home-made meals as well.

How do you approach sugary/processed treats in your family?

We try our best to keep treats/junk out of the house, which is hard because I have a sweet tooth!
If we do indulge, it’s kept to a minimum. Chloe won’t be exposed to sugary/processed sweats anytime in the near future. She is happy having a piece of apple, pear or grape for dessert instead (so why mess with a good thing?)

What is your family’s favourite meal?

It really depends on the day and meal but my favourite dish would have to be tacos. You can put almost anything into that little shell! I often don’t even have the shell and just put the taco ingredients on top of some salad greens. Its a great family meal and easy to adapt for the little one. I love all the fresh ingredients that can be used, avocado, tomatoes, peppers etc. It helps that its a favourite for my husband as well, hopefully with the early exposure Chloe will learn to love them too.

What is your favourite “time-saving” strategy/tip when it comes to food preparation?

Like I said previously, I’m learning to make large meals in advance and put them in the freezer. For those days when I know that time will not allow me to cook a homemade meal. I prepared as much as I could before I went back to work and things got really busy, so that we wont fall back into old habits (processed meals).

What is one short-cut you take when it comes to food preparation for the sake of ease or time?

I make Chloe’s oatmeal for the week on Sunday. She loves it and no matter what will eat it. So while we’re still exposing her to new and different foods, oatmeal is our time saving breakfast of choice. It’s also perfect for an add on like fruit or cinnamon to change up the flavor.

What does meal-time look like in your household?

It can be pretty hectic trying to prepare our meals and Chloe’s at the same time but now that she is moving out of the puree stage we can adapt our meal to her needs. We have to be more cautious now when we plan a meal since to be able to feed it to Chloe as well. We make sure we sit down together at the table for every meal. (at least when we’re at home)

What do you wish for the future of the food industry?

I would have to say more organic vegetable/fruit options at the grocery store. I struggle to find a simple cauliflower head from time to time and if I do, I better be willing to pay top dollar. Until the grocery stores catch up with the times, we have found a better alternative. We joined Grand River organics (local organic growers) and they have more than enough options to feed our growing family.


Thanks Caitlin!


In a smoothie rut?  Don’t forget to pick-up your copy of my 21 Day Smoothie Guide for lots of blender-happy inspiration.  Only $4.99!

Smoothie Guide Button

Get Your Smoothie On + GIVEAWAY Winners!

I’m so excited to announce that my eBook is available for purchase TODAY!

The 21 Day Smoothie Guide by Holistic In The City is full of unique and delicious smoothie ideas that I know your whole family will absolutely love.

If you’ve read my blog for a while,  you already know that green smoothies are a great way to start your day and they make a healthy and complete snack for kids.  However, it’s easy for anyone to get stuck in a rut, making the same smoothie day after day (banana+spinach+almond milk…sound familiar?)

Whether you are already a smoothie enthusiast or just starting out on your green smoothie journey, the 21 Day Smoothie Guide has some really interesting recipes that will inspire you to get your blender out a little more often. Recipes like the Apple Pie Smoothie, the Gingerbread Cookie Smoothie and the Peaches and Cream Smoothie will get you excited for your morning beverage.

For less than the price of a latte, you will get 21 delicious and healthy smoothie recipes that will jump-start your smoothie habit – just in time for spring!

Visit my shop page or click on the button below to purchase my 21 Day Smoothie Guide today for only $4.99.

Smoothie Guide Button

For even more information on the eBook, you can read this post.

And finally, a big thanks to everyone who entered the Free eBook Giveaway – we had tons of entries!  The 7 lucky winners are:

Tara G.
Kristen D.
Ashley C.
Traci M.
Diana M.
Brett R.
Trisha M.

Congratulations!  You will each be receiving an email with your free copy of the 21 Day Smoothie Guide.  Be sure to tell all your friends how much you love it 🙂

Happy Sipping,




What Exactly Is “Real Food”?

Last week I had the pleasure of presenting to a group of kids and their parents at their school’s Healthy Habits night.  My talk was on Smart Snacking, and as I explained to my audience, the first “key” to smart snacking is to eat Real Food.

As I described to everyone the meaning of this statement, it dawned on me that I had never actually done this with my readers on the blog.  I mean, here I am going on and on about “Real Food” this and “Real Food” that and I’m never actually defined what I mean when I say that families should focus on getting more “Real Food” into their lives.  Shame on me!

So today I’m going right this wrong and explain exactly what I mean.

real food quote


Real Food Defined

Before I get into a long-winded explanation, here is my favourite basic definition:

Real Food =
Food that is as close to its most natural state as possible

In other words, food that has been minimally processed, if at all.  Food that is in the same form that our ancestors (your great, great, great, great grandmother) would recognize.  You may have also heard the term “Whole Foods”, which is basically the same thing.  Food that is whole, not broken into parts.   Food that is real, not fake.  Food as it is meant to be eaten.

Some people may ask “so what the heck am I supposed to eat?”  In our processed world, it’s hard to imagine eliminating most products sold in a can or a box.  However, I find it’s better to just focus on what you can eat.  A Real Food way of eating is full of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, seafood, dairy, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and natural sweeteners.  It’s knowing how your food is made and what it’s made of (usually one ingredient).

However, it’s not completely black and white.  There are some “packaged” foods that could be considered Real Food.  Take canned vegetables for example, or snack foods with only Real Food ingredients (Tricuits crackers come to mind).  Yes – these are better choices than a lot of things you could be eating and they do fit the criteria of Real Food – but at the end of the day it’s always a better choice to eat the least processed form of the food (like the fresh green beans or making some homemade snack crackers at home).  For the most part, the more processing that food goes through, the less nutritionally beneficial it is for your body.

Why eat Real Food?

Because Real Food is what our bodies are designed to eat, that’s why!

The human body is a pretty amazing thing – all those parts and processes working together seamlessly.  All the science courses that I took during nutrition school really made me realize how almost every single thing in our body happens for a reason, to keep us alive and well.  It’s mind-boggling.

And these amazing bodies are designed to digest and process Real Food.  So don’t you think our bodies would know when we are ingesting food in a highly processed form, or worse – chemicals and toxins?  The answer is YES!

Our bodies do a pretty good job of managing all this foreign food that we put into it, but there comes a point – and it’s a different threashold for everyone – where our bodies need to compromise in other areas in order to handle it.

And this comes in the form of inflammation, a whole host of unpleasant symptoms, and in the worst cases (and more and more often as people’s bodies get overwhelmed) it results in chronic disease.

Basically, eating Real Food is the best thing you can do to make sure that you and your family live a long and vibrant life.

(There are many other reasons to eat Real Food but I’ll just stop there for now.)

Hello Reality.

Okay, so now it’s reality check time.  Obviously in order to make sure that everything we eat is as “real” as possible we should just make everything from scratch.  In fact, we should all purchase a little farm in the country and grow all of our own food and even raise our own animals to eat.  We should never set food in a grocery store again.

Michael Pollan Quote

I’m being sarcastic about the farm thing (although it does sound lovely), but the cooking from scratch thing actually is important.  We really should try to make as many of our meals at home and from scratch as possible (meaning you aren’t just throwing a frozen pizza into the oven).  It is the single best way to get as much Real Food into your diet as possible.

Keep in mind that I said as much as possible.  I know that eating 100% Real Food is not possible for most people (including myself).  And I know that spending hours in the kitchen is just not an option for most families given their hectic lives.  Whether its busy kids with multiple after school activities, or two parents working full-time, or both.  Sometimes it can seem impossible to find time to brush your teeth, let alone plan and cook Real Food meals for your family every night.  I think about this often –  I only have one child and I find life hectic so I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have 2, 3 or even 4 to manage (and possibly a pet or two thrown in there.  You mamas amaze me!)

So please don’t feel overwhelmed and stop reading.  I’m here to tell you that this whole “Real Food” thing doesn’t have to be all or nothing.  You’re likely reading this blog because you know that Real Food is good for your family, so you are looking at ways to incorporate it into your lives a little more frequently.  And that is amazing!!!

My goal when working with families is to just get them to start eating more Real Food then they are already eating.  The more Real Food you eat, you will notice that you will naturally eat less fake or processed food.  And every step you can take to incorporate more Real Food into your diet is a step in the right direction.  Spending hours in the kitchen is also not an option for me, which is why I’ve come up with lots of great shortcuts to help keep things simple.

One of the main focuses of what I do as a Family Nutritionist is to provide families with guidance to help them incorporate more (and then even more) Real Food into their lives.  And I know that in order for it to be feasible, it needs to be easy – which is why this blog will continue to feature lots of time-saving strategies like my Breakfast In a Hurry series.  Oh, and above all it is mandatory that food and cooking remains stress-free and fun – so I’ll be writing more about this too.

So now that you finally know what I mean with all this “Real Food” talk, keep following along for more great recipes and other ways you can can get your family eating a little more “Real”!



21 Day Smoothie Guide GIVEAWAY!

I’ve already started talking about this on Facebook and Twitter because I’m so excited to share this news – I’ve published an eBook!

The 21 Day Smoothie Guide: An eBook to Jump Start your Smoothie Habit by Holistic In The City launches on April 15th, but today you can win your very own copy for free.  Yes, you heard me right – FREE!

Before I tell you how to enter the contest, let me give you a few more details about the eBook.

Who is Holistic In The City?

Holistic In The City is a business collaboration with 6 of my favourite nutritionists.  We all met in nutrition school and spent many, many hours learning and studying together – and becoming the best of friends at the same time.  We are all pursuing a career in nutrition but each of us is focusing on a different area.  We quickly realized that by working together, we can help more people on their journey to health.  Thus Holistic In The City was born, and this e-Book is our very first collaboration – so we’re pretty pumped.

Besides myself, the ladies of Holistic In The City are Alycia, Danielle, Jenn, Jesse, Mandy and Samantha.

Why an  eBook about smoothies?

We found that when we work with clients, often one of the first changes we make is to start incorporating smoothies into their diets. It is a small change that is easy to incorporate into a busy lifestyle that has an incredibly positive impact.  For me personally, I always recommend smoothies as a complete and healthy snack for kids – with the bonus being that they almost always LOVE them.

People are always asking us for new smoothie ideas, so we wanted to create a smoothie guide with a variety of different ingredients and superfoods that offer various health benefits.

Recipe Sneak Peek

To give you an idea of the types of recipes you can expect from the 21 Day Smoothie Guide, today I’m sharing one of the recipes from the book – the Liver Detox Smoothie.

Liver detox


Liver Detox Smoothie

This smoothie helps gently detoxify your liver. The pigment that gives beets their deep and beautiful red color has been proven to help detoxify the liver. Parsley contains a high amount of vitamin K, which has been proven to protect against liver toxins and cancer. Lastly, ginger is a well-known anti-inflammatory that provides immune boosting properties.


  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 1 small to medium beet, peeled
  • 1/4 cup parsley
  • 1 apple
  • 1 lemon peeled
  • 1/2″ piece of ginger
  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds


  1. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth!

Win a copy of Holistic In The City’s 21 Day Smoothie Guide!

Okay, so here are the details.  The Holistic in the City 21 Day Smoothie Guide eBook will not be available for sale until April 15th, but you can enter to win your very own copy today.  We are giving away a FREE copy of our eBook to 7 of our lucky readers!

The contest opens today and will run until Monday, April 14th at 11:59 EST.  There are 6 ways to enter – just click on the link below to access the giveaway on my Facebook page.


Good luck to everyone who enters!


Could FOOD Be Affecting Your Child’s Behaviour?


I think most parents know that eating healthy is important for their kids, but I think subconsciously many people are thinking about the long-term benefits – disease prevention, physical capabilities as they age, a longer life.  Sure, these are definitely some of the “pros” of a healthy lifestyle in the long run, but what about right now?  Can what a child is eating day-to-day be impacting how they are feeling/acting/learning right now?

The answer is a big, resounding YES!

I truly believe in the proverb “you are what you eat”.  The food that we (and our children) eat impacts every single process in our body.  These body processes are what fuel us to learn, work and play.  They shape how our body feels and responds, our energy levels, our emotions and our behaviours.  

In other words, if our kids eat fake, junk and unhealthy food, what can you expect?  That’s right – fake, junk and unhealthy energy, emotions and behaviours.  However, even kids who are eating Real Food most of the time can experience behavioural symptoms if they are not eating the right foods for their individual body.

I want to focus on children’s behaviour in this post, because this is something that all parents struggle with at some time or another.  There are times when all children moody, irritable and angry.  All kids throw temper tantrums, whine and scream or throw things once in a while when they don’t get their way.

But what about kids who are often moody, irritable and angry?  Or who always whine and scream and throw things?  Sure, this could just be the “terrible twos” (or threes or fours or nines), but it could also be something more.

The food your child is eating can simply be causing your child to feel unwell – a sore tummy, bowel issues, a headache, lethargy.  Particularly in children who cannot communicate verbally, acting out is their way of saying “hey, I’m not okay”.

Apart from the general health implications of a bad diet, her are some more specific ways that food could be affecting your child’s behaviour:

Blood Sugar instability:  Certain foods (particularly high-sugar and overly processed foods) can cause blood sugar to spike and then crash dramatically.  This not only impacts children’s energy levels, but has severe impacts on their mood, behaviour, and concentration.  Children need the right mix of protein, fats or carbohydrates, at the right times throughout the day to stabilize blood sugar and keep their mood and energy stable.

Nutrient Deficiencies –  Even if your child is eating a varied diet of mostly Real Food, they can still be deficient in certain nutrients that help balance mood and behaviour.  This could be due to lack of variety in the foods they are eating, or some sort of problem affecting their absorption or utilization of these nutrients.

As an example, one of the most common nutrient deficiencies seen in children (and adults!) is in long chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids (or long chain Omega 3 fatty acids), which are critical in so many bodily functions – especially brain development.  To up their intake of Omega 3s, kids should be eating foods such as fish, flax seeds, walnuts, chia seeds and eggs as often as possible.  Most kids aren’t getting enough, and if this is the case I recommend supplementation.  Some children with certain conditions such as ADHD and dyslexia, lack the enzymes necessary to metabolize these essential fatty acids from food, which could be a contributing factor in their condition.

Food additives:  Despite being approved by Health Canada, there are many chemical food additives and preservatives in processed food that are just not food and that are having negative impacts on our kids’ health.   Certain food additives (like MSG and aspartame) can cause misfiring in developing nerve fibres in the brain, and connections in the brain to be pruned.  A recent study in the UK found that food additives led to temper tantrums and other behavioural and learning issues in as little as two weeks of daily consumption.

Food additives are just one of the many toxins/chemicals/environmental stressors that are impacting our kids’ systems  – other examples include pesticides, heavy metals, and pollution.

Allergic reactions:  Food allergies and intolerance can produce a number of symptoms, including mood and behavioural ones.  The gut, the immune system and the rest of the body are  intricately linked – so if a child is sensitive to a food or a protein found in foods (like the gliadin in gluten for example), the resulting immune reaction or  inflammation can wreck havoc in other areas of the body – including mood, behaviour and learning.


I have witnessed some of these effects in my own child.   I am the first to admit that Tyson is no angel, but he is definitely much more irritable right before dinner as his blood sugar is beginning to dip.  He turns into a much different (and happier!) child once he has some food in his belly.

If you think food may be affecting your child’s mood and behaviour, start keeping a food diary and include a column for mood, and see if you can make a connection between a specific food(s) that could be causing the problem.


P.S.  I have some exciting news!  I have been working on my business website over the last 8 months and it is finally LIVE!  Check it out here and let me know what you think.

original logo Sarah Bester color

In the coming months, you will likely see some changes on this blog as I align it with my business, including an eventual migration into one site (so I’m not managing two).  Not to worry, I still plan on blogging regularly about developing our kids’ relationship with Real Food – plus so much more.  Stay tuned!

9 Real Food St. Patrick’s Day Snack Ideas


St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow, and it is absolutely one of my favourite holidays.  I’m not Irish (although my husband is on his mom’s side), but I’ve always loved the festive atmosphere and happy-go-lucky vibe of this celebration of everything green.  I know, I know – in North America we’ve totally commercialized it and made it about partying and shenanigans more than anything else, but I still can’t help getting caught up in fanfare – with a “Kiss Me I’m Irish” button and all.

As I get older, the celebrations have become a little tamer (no more racing to get to the pub for 11am!) but I am still all about celebrating on and being festive on St. Patty’s Day.  Having Tyson makes it even more fun, because I have an excuse to be cheesy and to celebrate.

And because I’m a big believer in making food and mealtime fun, I think holidays are a great time to get little more creative with snacks.  Trust me, I’m not at all artistic (or really all that patient when it comes to food prep), so fun does not equal complicated in my house.

So I trolled the internet and am sharing with you some simple (and green!) Real Food St. Patrick’s Day snack ideas to get your family feeling the Luck O’ the Irish! (You will notice that there is no hazardous artificial green food colouring to be seen).

1) Healthy Green Fruit Kebabs from Spark Recipes

A pretty darn simple green snack.  And for some reason, putting fruit or veggies on a stick is always a hit with kids!

Fruit Kabobs

2) Leprechaun Hats from Creative Food

Okay, this is slightly complicated but it’s so cute!

Leprechaun Hats Collage

3)  Mini Shamrock Pizza from Food Idea Recipes

I always like to emphasize that snacks shouldn’t always be just “snack foods” but instead “mini-meals”.  Here’s an “Irish” twist on pizza that would make a great snack.

cute  yummy mini shamrock pizza st. patricks day lunch ideas st patricks day for kids-f87122

4) Fruit Rainbow from Irish American Mom

Another creative fruit display.

Fruit Rainbow

5) Cinnamon ‘Oat’Meal Raisin Cookies from Against All Grain

If you’ve never seen this before, it’s worth taking a look at this recipe for a lesson in science.  The green colour in the cookies is simply a reaction of the sunbutter and baking soda.  Pretty cool!

Cinnamon Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

And of course a couple recipes from this blog:

6)  Avocado Cucumber Dip

This would  be great paired with a skewer of green veggies.

Avocado Cucumber Dip2

7) Green Eggs

Who says you can’t have eggs for a snack?  Healthy, filling and delicious!

Green Eggs1

8) Kale Pesto

Put this on top of anything to make it St. Patrick’s themed.

Kale Pesto

9) Green Smoothie or Green Juice

Of course any green smoothie or juice is a great snack to serve on St. Patrick’s Day.  To make it extra festive, call it a “Shamrock Shake” or a “Lucky Leprechaun Smoothie”.  Seriously, how you present the food can sometimes make all the difference!


I will definitely be trying a couple of these recipes tomorrow.   If you have any other ideas, I would love if you shared them on Facebook or in the comments.

However you choose to celebrate this fun-filled holiday, I hope it is full of luck and love…and maybe some leafy greens 🙂


Avocado Cucumber Dip

Avocado Cucumber Dip1

It’s snack time – what are your kids eating?

I’ve talked about snacks before on my blog and how they can often be a challenge for parents.  In that same post I gave some guidelines on what makes a good snack, why they are important and gave you a recipe for Healthy Snack Cookies.

But that was ages ago and I haven’t posted a snack recipe since.  Shame on me!  So today, I redeem myself.

I’m always trying to find ways to incorporate vegetables into Tyson’s snacks.  He does enjoy raw veggies on their own, but I think even as adults we can agree that this can get boring after a while.  Plus, since I am a big advocate of set snack times, I want his snacks to be more nutritionally complete by incorporating protein and fat.

So I always pair those raw veggies with some sort of dip.  This adds that much-needed protein and fat to keep Tyson going until dinner.  Plus if it’s super yummy, kids will eat just about any vegetable dipped in it.  Oh, and dipping is FUN.  Messy, but fun.

We do eat hummus quite often, but truthfully it’s never been Tyson’s favourite for some reason.  So I’ve been experimenting with different dip ideas.  This particular recipe was inspired by my recent foray into homemade greek yogurt, and also my obsession with avocados.

Avocado Cucumber Dip2

Avocado Cucumber Dip

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: n/a


1 avocado, peeled and diced
1 1/2 cups of peeled, diced cucumber
1/2 cup of plain, full fat greek yogurt
juice from 1/2 lemon
2 tbsp chopped fresh mint (or basil)


1.  Place all ingredients into blender or food processor.
2.  Blend until smooth.


The flavours are unique but go really well together.  Some kids may be new to herbs such as mint and basil but don’t leave them out – simply start with a just little and increase the amount as they get used to it.  Remember, you should always be looking to expand kids’ flavour horizons.

This dip makes any vegetable taste decadent.  Tyson and I have been eating a variety of raw vegetables lately.  Why not be creative and go beyond the typical carrot, celery, cucumber favourites?  Try serving raw cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, turnip, string beans, radishes, asparagus, or zucchini.   This recent study found that offering kids a variety of fruits and vegetables increases the likelihood of them eating any at all.   So go crazy and serve a whole bunch for the snack, and let your child choose what and how much they want to eat.  And this type of snack doesn’t need to be limited to older kids.  For younger children, simply steam the veggies so they are a little softer but still dip-able.

I’ve used this Cucumber Avocado Dip for so much more than raw vegetables – use it as a dip for crackers, chicken, shrimp, or even as a salad dressing.   In fact, when made with mint it actually goes really well with fruit, especially melon.  Or you could just eat it with a spoon like Tyson does once his vegetables are gone.

Enjoy…and I promise there will be more snack ideas to come soon!
